Tuesday 21 August 2012

Eye Contact

I promised in my last post information on eye contact, so here it is. Your eyes are probably the most useful tool at your disposal when trying to pull girls, it gives you the opportunity to make attempts on numerous people, very subtly and more often than not without them realising it!

Stage 1 - The Glance
Just act as you normally would on a night out - the best way to make this successful is just to act naturally. Gradually start looking around and make no attempt to make eye contact - It will just happen. Once you've made contact with three different people and you think they've noticed you move onto Stage 2!

Stage 2 - The Linger
Out of the three choices choose one "target" and glance again, trying to make eye contact. If she smiles or makes any positive response move onto stage 2; If she looks scared, or whispers to her mates and they all frown, move onto one of the others!

Stage 3 - Time
If you had a positive response to Stage 2 then gradually increase the amount of time you spend "gazing" at the girl, if she continues to reciprocate and act positively then move to Stage 4. However, if she doesn't look at you it's one of two reasons, she's either playing hard to get or she's scared; The safest way to deal with this is to move on but if you're really interested take the plunge and go over! Trust your gut instinct

Stage 4 - Eye Sex
Eye sex is thoroughly under-rated as a pass time, the secret is to start slow and non-sexual. Move first to her lips and then back up to her eyes gradually increasing the distance away from her eyes you're looking - avoid boobs because it makes you look common!! Once you've looked all over then go for the money glance, once you've achieved this step she'll either walk away (you've blown it), walk towards you (you're in) or stay where she is.

Stage 5 - Going in For The Kill
If she stays where she is after Stage 4 go over and make conversation, no matter who she's with or where she is it has to be done! If you're man enough to carry out the final step then you've succeeded - Congratulations!

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