Saturday 25 August 2012

Dancing (Part I)

When dancing you have two main paths that you can follow, you can either be a sheep and follow everyone else or you can be different. Personally I aim for a mix between the two depending on where I am, who I’m with and what mood I’m in! I’m going to have two posts on dancing, the first on dancing without girls the second regarding when you’re with them.

I’ve already said that I try to mix the two, this is because they both have fairly major strengths and weaknesses, starting with following the crowd I would recommend reading wiki how to get the basics ( I try to just slightly copy what everyone else is doing without putting much effort in, if for some reason you’re an amazing dancer then go for it! If not then keep it simple.

People try to dance in groups/circles – I’m not a big fan both because it takes away any possibility of you being able to pull, and it takes up an obscene about of room and gets on people’s nerves. However I know people that stand by this as a technique because in many ways it makes people around you feel inferior, if you’re out with a large number of people girls may think you’re popular etc. – if this is the case, use it!

Being different is more likely to work when trying to pull, that’s my belief at any rate… Some ideas for dancing differently could be interpretive dance (probably not the best one to choose), mime works brilliantly or if you can’t dance come up with some sort of tribal dance, I’ve not tried this but if you and your friends can come up with a tribal dance to call me maybe, you’ll never need to try and pull again!

Mime ideas, these are taken from the repertoire of me and a friend and so to name but a few, the ride on lawn mower (when coupled with reversing noises), push mower, knapsack sprayer, sprinklers, the alarm, and if you really want to go for it whack out the rugby try!

While dancing you should try at all times to be following the steps described in groundwork, make as much eye contact with as many people as possible. It may so happen that a girl calls you over, if this does occur then go for it – there’s nothing to lose and perhaps a lot to gain.

Once you’ve made eye contact with a girl a few times and selected your targets it’s an idea to try to mimic what she does a little bit. If she mimics you then move closer – many people stand by letting the girl come to them but I think it’s best to be in control. It’s important to remember that girls often dance in groups in order to deflect guys – take the step up and break into the group, and follow the hard to get ploy and your hard work should pay off!

And this video may give you help, then again you may think (like me) that it’s possibly the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever watched…

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