Tuesday 21 August 2012

Ground Work

The Ground-Work is an incredibly delicate process, and if there's one key secret it's don't try and pull her!

The Smile
Never underestimate the power of a smile, one of my friends has a picture of himself smiling by his bed and practices; In no way am I saying this is an acceptable thing do and I'm embarrassed for him; But it does emphasise its' importance! If you're on the fringes of the dance floor and a girl walks by - give her a smile, there's an 80% chance she'll smile back and you have an instant connection. Girls are more likely to get with someone they think they know (even a little bit) than a complete stranger. The smile works just about anywhere, while dancing, in the queue for the bar, even coming out of the toilet...

Eye Contact
Another important part is learning how to have what people call "eye sex". This is going to come in a post later on today but the basics are if you make eye contact a few times - gradually lengthen how long your eyes linger and then move to different parts of her body! Once you've made eye contact a few times either you got to her or she'll come to you!

Don't just focus on one girl, play hard to get a little bit and try to make them realise that you're not their property! This also has the added bonus of hedging your bets that if you get rejected you always have a back-up option waiting in the wings.

Flirting and Conversation
For the basics of this see the previous post, but it's about building a relationship before sealing the deal, it always increases your chances of being successful!

The Connection?
Once you feel you've built a relationship you can start dancing (post to follow) the easiest way to do this is non-committal and don't dance with her only. If she's with friends move around and get to know them as well, strength in numbers is what girls use and you must break this down.

Once you've carried out these steps you've completed ground work, have at least one target and can move on to the next stage!

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