Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Art of Conversation

Making conversation is hard enough when it's just you and her, when you're in a night-club filled with people it's far more difficult! What I try to do is to think of the next topic/question while she's answering the current one! Although it seems forced it keeps it flowing and interesting, as well as varied so that she doesn't get bored.

The key to conversation is so that neither of you get bored, because as soon as you look disinterested in what she's saying it's pretty much game over! Finding that common ground is crucial, if she has an interest that you know about then it's far easier! Once you're onto one topic then stay on it for as long as possible!! For one thing, don't talk about sex; unless she brings it up in which case run with it!

You may well be one of those people who gets on with everyone, can think on your feet and have a variation of interests then you've got a massive advantage! The situation you are in can also be used to your advantage, if you're on a student night the obvious questions about course, year, etc. However, don't get bogged down on education because girls don't go out to talk about university education! One way to succeed is by discussing things about her life outside of uni altogether - it makes her feel at ease, like she's known you longer and you're more secure in her eyes.

The opening of conversation is exceptionally difficult, chat-up lines are an easy way in but have a reasonably low rate of success (see Chat-up Lines Wednesday for ideas!). Just be natural and discuss the music, saying a club's terrible can work sometimes but you run the risk that it's her favourite place to go!

Talk about her - I have a tendency to talk too much about myself and by focusing on her she thinks that you're a better guy (perhaps better than you actually are...). Once you find yourself chatting easily and building a relationship then you're in the game, furthermore once she thinks that she know you she's far more likely to get with you!

A sign that you can pick-up when you're having conversations with a girl is if she mimics your tone/asks numerous questions herself more often than not, "it's on"!

"That" Question : I find it incredibly difficult to actually ask whether I can get with the girl, instead try and be obvious enough so that she asks the question "are you hitting on me?". You then have a choice, whether you want to admit you are or deny all knowledge; personally I think by this point you have nothing to lose so may as well admit you are and go in for the kill!!

The conversation will obviously have to end in one of three ways, firstly you'll get with her - congratulations; secondly you'll get her phone number (see upcoming post on texting!) or thirdly you'll have to awkwardly leave! If she wants to get out of it then it's easy done, let her go and walk away with your head held high! This doesn't necessarily have to be the end of it, you may see her later in the night and this crucial groundwork will have paid off!!

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